If I Disobey the Duke - Chapter 97
Chapter 97 Elegant Power (7)
Ho stared at Hanz, Ivan. and tho administrator ono after another. •A possibility alone shouldn’t lot us push our comrades and subordinates into tho fire Especially at tho words of a woman who just went to see flowers. who must not have soon tho different monsters there_”
“Godwin Valks.•
Lily’s shoulders stiffened. Her husband’s voice was unfamiliar. like a stranger’s.
It was as if the air had boon torn at the hands of a sword. Even an instinctive fear arose from a senso of intimidation.
Gray eyes dissected every trace of his vassal. •Do you think of me as someone who pushes his subordinates into the fire?”
Valks’ cyos widonod in astonishment. ‘l have sinned! How could someone like mo who swore allegianco to you havo such a repulsive thought.„!•
- Then why do you have such a thought for a lady whom you have to serve with all your heart? Do you treat her as a peculiar woman who has caused me to fall into her delusions, making me unable to make proper decisions?”
In summary. ho meant that if Lily’s words wore nonscnsc. would ho havo boon an idiot to bring hor into tho conforcnco hall?
Vlad, loaning against the backrest, tapped tho armrest with his long fingertips. “Unless it is senility, how can you insult your master, the lady of the land, in front of mo and my vassals? Havo you not changed tho filthy outlook you’ve had on women all your life?”
The vassals who had similar ideas to Valks had their thoughts fall like overripe fruits at his punishing stare.
“What kind of punishment would a disrospoctul vassal face? Hans.”
Hanz shrank back as if he were a squirrel stuck between beasts. “Commonly. based on how severe:
- Vlad!• Lily. who had bocomo vory Palo, addod hurriedly. “I’m fino. Ho has madc a roasonablo point. so plcaso allow mo to convince him.”
It is not a matter of persuasion:
For a while. he had planned to watch. But he thought that tho words wore getting ruder.
“You don’t even need to convince an underdog. Lily.”
Lily bit her lip. •l want to do that.- Her hands were clasped tightly on her lap and trembling faintly. “so please_ do it for me.”
Vlad’s oyos softened slightly, frowning in dissatisfaction thon sighing in rosignation. “Do whatever you want:
It was a situation that once again gave a huge shock to others.
They nover thought their lord was a man who could bo so gonorous. They ovon felt a slight sense of betrayal.
Lily, who Was very relieved that a beheading had been prevented. spoke quickly, •I’m not telling you to enter Atoka now. Lord of CadÄ I Was going to suggest that we review the feasibility and discuss the plan with the administrative officers. As you said. It’s an area I don’t know.”
No matter how certain tho status hierarchy was, no man would bo happy with a woman who know more than them in the aroa of their expertise, ospocially a commoner.
Sho lacked the ability to subdue the commotion However. sho know how to bond flexibly to got what sho wanted.
Lily had been hated to the point where she learnt how to adapt to different situations whenever she faced a disagreement
- l just want to repair Cadis road whilo roviowing the materials. I am also very intorcstod in wolfaro projecte„”
- _Welfare_” Valks quickly thought of something.
Isn’t this the sama mistake wa usually overlook at the castle gate?
Tho roliof and shame took over Valks’s face. Ho roactcd so negatively like a dog when ho thought that she was making a throat that would harm tho ostato.
The attention was completely passed on to Lily.
Vlad, who recognized her intentions. almost smiled,
Lily was trying to loy the groundwork so that minerals could be transported as soon as mining began. She seemed to be a weak and frail woman but this timä, She didn”t have any plans to back down on this project
Hans. who was standing os if ha had boon stuck to the ground, muttered blankly. “Modom ig a miracle.”
He WäS ready ta burst into tears.
Vlad got up as he looked at Hans talking to himself-
He sow thä reaction and diclfft gay anything. It seemed thCit thä Situation wc’s quite satisfactory.
wan slowly slipped away from the mood. “Once resources increase and roads are repaired, the opening will be instantaneous, Madam.”
Lily lot out small Sigh ‘Yes, YöLire right. In terms Of Wälföfä.„ It would be great to öPäi1 thä City Cind hold a festival. WO can it OS an opportunity to promote the metal smelting technology of Cadis craftsmen,’
(smelting — tho extraction of metal from its orc by a process involving heating and molting.) *I’m sorry, but that won’t happen. Lily.’
The atmosphere became cold if ice water had been poured over It,
Vlad stared ot his wife.
Lily’s refreshing green eyes were shaken by unexpected embarrassment.
Tho silence stretched on.
Sho grabbed tho ham of hor dross with hor hand on hor lap.
Arc you talking about festival? Or the opening.„?”
‘Anything that causes confusion.’
‘I understand you aro concerned about safety. Howavor„ it will bring vitality to the city,’
have no intention Of sacrificing your SCIfOty for a fleeting Vibrancy. SO, forgat about that topic.’